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Report Overview
Report Overview

Learn how to create reports, edit reports, download them, and more.

Tatum Savage avatar
Written by Tatum Savage
Updated over 2 months ago

Reporting Overview

AgencyAnalytics lets you create and schedule automated marketing reports for your clients. Build and configure a report once, and send it automatically on your agency's reporting schedule with no further intervention on your part.

Shared web reports can be viewed via the emailed or shared link at anytime, and will show live data for the date range selected. If you'd like reports to capture a snapshot of data, rather that pull data live, make sure to download it as a PDF.

Reports are white-labeled to show your agency's logo, and the report's URL and "sent from" email address can be white-labeled as well. If your clients want to sign in to view data as well, consider setting up a dashboard and adding clients as users to your account.

In this article, we'll discuss how to create a custom report, how to schedule them, how to send one-time reports, and how to create templates.

Where to find reports

Access any Client's reports by clicking on the "Reports" option of the Client's left-side menu. Existing scheduled reports will be under the "Scheduled" tab, whereas any unscheduled reports will exist under "Not Scheduled.

Click on "Create Report" to start building a custom report.

Setting up a report

You'll see three options when building a report: Create a blank report, Start from a template, or Clone an existing report.

  • Start with a blank report if you want to create a report from scratch. You'll choose exactly which integrations and widgets you want to have in the report.

  • Start from a template to set up a report quickly. Once you've applied a template, you'll be able to edit the report if needed. You'll have the option to choose from a variety of professionally designed, pre-configured report templates, or your own templates.

  • Clone an existing report if you already have reports set up in your account. Cloning an existing report will make an exact duplicate of that report, and you'll then be free to make changes and save this as a new report.

Customizing your report

Once you've created a report, you can customize it to fit your needs.

Cover page and table of contents

A cover page and table of contents are included by default. The cover page shows your white label logo, the report's name, and the report's date range. The table of contents shows a clickable list of all your report's sections.

If you've removed your cover page or table of contents, you can add them again by following the steps here:

Configuring sections

Reports are divided into "sections". Usually a section can be thought of as a report page however, sections can spread across multiple pages if they contain a lot of data (for example a table containing a lot of rows).

Create sections for each of your marketing integrations. Section headings can be changed if you need to rename them. Section headings will automatically apply in the table of contents, and also in the navigation panel on the left side of the report.

The report editor comes with preconfigured sections to help you build reports faster. To add a section, click the "Add Section" button on the left side of your screen.

You can then choose the exact section you'd like to add in the popup that appears. Use the search box at the top of a popup to find a section quickly. A preview of the section will be displayed on the right side to give you an idea of the widgets included in the section. You can also add a blank section if you wish to add widgets manually.

Report section backgrounds can also be customized by adding an image, color, or both.

Adding widgets

You can fill your reports with data from your different digital marketing channels and our in-house tools by adding widgets.

Add a widget from any integration to any report page. Widgets can be added to new blank sections or to pre-built report sections.

When adding widgets, it can be helpful to have a larger report workspace. The Sections sidebar on the left can be collapsed or expanded by clicking the gray bar on the left side of the report. The Widget sidebar on the right can also be expanded or collapsed by clicking the gray bar on the right side of the report.

To add a widget in the report editor, ensure the Widget sidebar on the right is expanded.

You'll be presented with a list of all dashboard integration categories. Drill down to the integration for which you want to add a new widget, or use the search box to quickly find what you're looking for.

Once a widget is added, you can further customize it by opening the widget's settings. Report widgets offer a variety of customization options, including the ability to modify the title and color scheme, apply filters and dimensions, and more. The precise availability of options depends on the widget in question.

Once you've added your widgets, you can rearrange and resize them to fit your design.

Aside from widgets for integrations and in-house tools, you can also write notes or comments using text boxes. You can also embed content such as a website you're building, Google Docs, or Google Data Studio reports.

Note: Embedded content cannot be exported in a PDF. Embeds are only for web reports, and dashboards.

To keep things organized, you can also add title headers to highlight points of interest in the section.

Multi-Client reports

If you have clients that have multiple Clients or websites, you can create reports that have data from multiple clients if your AgencyAnalytics subscription allows this.

This allows you to combine data from multiple websites or locations, as well as data from multiple instances of the same integration (for example, to track multiple Google Analytics 4 views in the same report).

Saving your reports

After creating the report, or making any report changes, Save the report by clicking Save in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

Sending your reports

Send reports automatically

Create a scheduled report to automatically send your reports to your clients at a specific frequency.

You can also require "approval" for your reports, so you can check all of the data in your report before they're sent to your clients. With report approval enabled, reports will not send until you've checked them.

Send reports on demand

You have the option to share your report on demand to your clients through various ways:

To do this, go to "Reports" in your Client's left-side menu, then navigate to the Scheduled or Not Scheduled tab depending on the status of your Report. Next, click on the report you wish to send.

Then, from within the report editor, click the Share button in the upper right hand corner. In the dropdown select Send Now. You'll pick the time frame of the report, who to send it to, then can send it off!

Report logs and engagement data

Our reports keep logs of your report's activity, as well as engagement data, which provides you with valuable business intelligence on how each of your individual customers is engaging with your automated reports.

These are stored on the Activity tab of your report. From the report page, click the appropriate Tab, then the report you'd like more information on to open it.

In the report editor, click Activity at the top.

Our report logs show records covering each time a report is generated, sent, or opened, and you can confirm your clients are receiving your reports.

Create templates

Create report templates to easily roll out reports for new Clients. Create a template with widgets that you frequently use for your clients, so you won't need to add them all manually each time you set up a new report.

You can access your templates by clicking on the "Templates" option on the left-side menu on your account's home screen, then going to the "Reports" tab.

Once you've set up your report templates, you can easily apply them when creating new reports, or overwrite existing reports with a new template.

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