How to email a report on demand
It's possible to directly email a report from within the platform, without the need to download or schedule it.
To do this, head to the Reports section from within the related Client.
Next, click the report you'd like to send, from either the Scheduled or Not Schedule tab of the report page.
Then, click the Share button in the upper right part of the screen and select "Send Now" from the drop-down options.
You can then select the date range you want to cover in the report, as well as a comparison period, and whether or not you'd like the report to be a dynamic report, with a date range selector for customers.
Finally, you'll enter your recipients' email addresses, as well as a subject line and email body. Once complete, click "Send" and your report will be emailed!
As a note, if an email recipient replies to a report email, that response will go to the email address used for the account Admin.