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Add dynamic date ranges to dashboards and reports
Add dynamic date ranges to dashboards and reports

When sending a report, or emailing a dashboard, toggle on "allow users to change the date range", to create a dynamic report or dashboard.

Tatum Savage avatar
Written by Tatum Savage
Updated over 9 months ago

When sending reports or sharing dashboards, add a dynamic date range to enable Clients to change the date range of information displayed. When enabled, the report will continue to update over time.

Enable a date range selector on scheduled reports

Whether editing an existing report with a schedule, or creating a new scheduled report, the steps to add a date range selector to the report are the same.
Open the report you'd like to turn on dynamic reporting for, then within the report editor, set the initial date range the report should cover. You can also choose a date range for comparison data here.

Once you've set a date range, click Schedule at the top of the page.

From the Schedule page, set the frequency, day, and time the report will send. Then, to enable the date range, scroll down then toggle "allow users to change the date range" on for this report.

Once toggled on, the button will appear green. Save these changes in the bottom left of the page to ensure future versions of this report will be sent with the option to edit the date range in the upper right hand corner.

Enable a date range selector when sharing a report or dashboard manually

The steps to enable a date range selector for your clients will be almost the same when you are:

  • Generating a share link for a report or dashboard

  • Choosing "Send Now" for a report or dashboard

This option is not possible when downloading a PDF report or dashboard as PDFs do not support dynamic data.

To get started, navigate to the dashboard or report you'd like to share, then click the Share button in the upper right hand corner.

From the dropdown, choose either Send Now or Share Link. Send Now will send an email to your clients, whereas Share Link will generate a shareable link to a web report you can manually send to clients.

This will open a window where you can select the initial date range for your report or dashboard. In the bottom right, toggle on the ability to change the date range. When enabled the button will be green. Click the button in the bottom left to complete the process.

When Clients view the link, or open the web report from their email, they will have the option in the upper right hand corner to change the date range. If they choose not to change the date range, then it will update daily for the date range selected.

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