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Email a report from any dashboard
Email a report from any dashboard

Quickly email a report from any dashboard in our platform by selecting "Send via Email" from the export menu at the top right.

Josh Cunneyworth avatar
Written by Josh Cunneyworth
Updated over 9 months ago

How to email a report from a dashboard

It's possible to directly email a report from any dashboard within the platform!ย 

To do this, head to the desired dashboard, click the share button at the top right, and select "Send via Email".

Select which date range you want the email to cover, a comparison period, and whether or not recipients can update the date range of the report, then click Next.

You'll be prompted to enter your recipients' email addresses, the email's subject, and the message to be sent with the report. Once you're done, click "Send" and the dashboard will be emailed as a report. If a recipient replies, this will go to the reply-to email on your account, which is the email used for the Admin user, by default.

Note that if you don't have access to this export feature, it may be disabled for your user account. If that's the case, contact your account's admin; on some plans they can edit your user permissions to allow for this.

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