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Create Staff only custom dashboards
Create Staff only custom dashboards

Use dashboard permissions to create a Staff Only dashboard, perfect for tracking internal goals and KPIs for your team.

Tatum Savage avatar
Written by Tatum Savage
Updated this week

With dashboard permissions, Admin and Staff users can create Staff-only dashboards to track internal KPI's and goals, without adding extra dashboards to your Clients view. Add Custom Goals for budget pacing, track PPC before and after markup, or simply add integration widgets for the metrics your team wants to track.

Multiple custom dashboards, and dashboard permissions, are only available on certain AgencyAnalytics plans.

How to create Staff only dashboards

Any of your custom dashboards can be turned into a Staff only dashboard by your account Admin. Simply edit the dashboard permissions to make this change.
From the campaign overview, click the ellipsis (...) to the far right of your custom dashboards. From the dropdown, click Manage.

This will open the Reorder and Manage menu. Click the selector to the right of the dashboard you'd like to update, then select Staff Only.


Once selected, click Save Settings in the bottom left to lock in the permissions change. This will update the dashboards visibility from Client and Staff, to Staff Only.

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