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Manage notifications
Tatum Savage avatar
Written by Tatum Savage
Updated over a week ago

Notifications are an integral part of your agency's workflow. With the Notification Manager individual users can choose which platform notifications they'd like to subscribe to.

Subscribe to an event notification

To get started click the bell icon in the upper right hand corner of the screen, directly to the left of your profile icon.

A red dot on your bell icon means you have new notifications you've never seen before. The red dot on your bell icon will disappear once all of your new notifications have been 'read', indicating you have no more new notifications.

This opens the notification dropdown where recent notifications are displayed. Click the cog in the upper right of this menu to jump to the notification management section.

A red dot on a notification means it's new. Once you click or hover on a new notification it's considered 'read', and this will remove the red dot and grey out the notification.

From here you can either add a notification event or manage existing events.

The notification management page will display all of the current notification events you've subscribed to. Click Add Event in the upper right to create a new notification event.

In the Add Event popover, click the dropdown then select the event you wish to receive notifications for before clicking Create to add this notification event.

You will also be able to choose how you will be notified.

  • Email - get notified via email only.

  • In-App - get notified only while logged-on.

Notification settings are on a per user basis, allowing Staff users to select only the notifications relevant to their work.

Once added it will appear on the main page with any other notifications you've subscribed to.

Unsubscribe from an event notification

If there are any notification you wish to unsubscribe from, this can be done from the same notification management page.

Find the notification event in the notification table then click the ellipsis (...) on the far right of the event you wish to unsubscribe from. Click Unsubscribe from the dropdown to launch the confirmation popover.

In the confirmation popover click Unsubscribe to finish removing this notification event and unsubscribe.

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