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Create staff accounts

Staff accounts can be created through the Users control panel in your account level dashboard

Matthew Davis avatar
Written by Matthew Davis
Updated over a week ago

How to create a staff account

Click the "Users" tab from your account level dashboard.

If you are creating new users for the very first time, you can click the "Create User" button in the middle of the screen.

Alternatively, you may click "Create User" in the upper right-hand corner.

The "Create User" wizard will appear, and you'll be guided through the entire process.

First, choose "Staff user" as the type of user you would like to create.

Note: If you're a staff user without access to creating other staff accounts, the wizard will skip this part and will automatically select Client User. Only the account's admin user or Staff users with this permission can create staff accounts.

Input the email of the user you want to invite and select the campaign(s) you want them to have access to (this can be changed later via user permissions).

Avoid using the same email address for Admin and Staff or Client accounts, as this can lead to login difficulties.
Trying to test Staff or Client accounts? Try creating an account using a proxy email by adding +xxxx before the @ of your email. would be classed as a new email, however all correspondence will still send to

Note: If you untick "Invite users via email", you will need to edit the details of that user manually, and here's the article to help you with that. Also, if you choose this method, you will need to manually notify the users of the profile you created for them.

After entering the details of the user, on the next screen, you'll be able to set the user's permissions. You can select "Default", which will give the staff user access to everything except the ability to set up/edit integrations.

You can choose "Customize" (available on our Agency and Premier plans) to specify the exact features and integrations the user can access, or you can choose "Clone" to copy the same permission settings from an existing staff user.

If you choose "Customize," you'll see all available permissions for staff users. If a switch is green, it means the user can access that feature.

You can also click through to toggle access to deeper subsections of our platform, such as specific integrations and metrics, or use the "General" option to toggle access to other functions.

If you choose to clone another staff user's permissions, you'll see all of your other staff users listed. Choose one, and their permissions will be copied to the new staff user.

Click "Continue" to finish and create the account.

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