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Apply dashboard section templates
Apply dashboard section templates

For the required Client, click Create Dashboard Section, then choose Start from a Template. Pick the template of your choice, name it, then save it!

Matthew Davis avatar
Written by Matthew Davis
Updated over a month ago

We provide some great pre-made templates that can be applied to dashboard sections, to help you get set up quickly. Once you apply a template to a Client dashboard, you can customize it as needed.

How to apply a section template to your dashboard

Start by navigating to the Client where you'd like to apply the template, then click Create Dashboard Section.

Note: If you don't see the above option, you'll need to clear your current dashboard to apply a new template. Some of our plans allow unlimited custom dashboard sections - in this case, you can keep your existing dashboard and add another dashboard section.

Next, click "Start from a template".

On the next screen, you'll be presented with a list of our currently available pre-configured templates, as well as any templates that you've created on your own. You can use the dropdown to filter by All Templates, or only ones you created.
Click the name of the template that you'd like to apply, then click Continue in the bottom left.

Next, add a name for your new dashboard section before clicking Continue to create the new dashboard section.

You can then customize the dashboard as you see fit. Changes made to the specific Client dashboard will not affect the template you used to create the dashboard section.

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