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Learn how to create and manage tasks at the campaign and account level.

Tatum Savage avatar
Written by Tatum Savage
Updated over a week ago

Tasks help simplify your agency's workflow, enabling you to delegate work, track project progress, and collaborate more efficiently with your team— all without leaving AgencyAnalytics.

Tasks can even be added to client reports or dashboards, allowing your clients to see progress in real time.

Tasks are only available on some of our plans, check out our pricing page for more info or ask our friendly Support team if it's part of your plan.

Create a Task

To get started, click Tasks in the navigation bar at the top of the Home page. This will open the account level Tasks page where you can create, edit, and manage tasks at the account level, and across campaigns you have permission to access.

From the Tasks page click Create New Task in the upper right hand corner. This will open the Task creation window where task details are filled out.

The only mandatory field when creating a Task is the Task name itself. All other fields aren't required and can be added in later.

After naming the task, add a category to help separate and filter your tasks. Create new categories simply by typing in the Category field, or select an existing category from the same dropdown.

Additionally tasks can quickly be created from any widget. Simply hover over the widget, then click the ... in the upper right corner.

From the open dropdown click Create Task to open the Task creation wizard.

Assign a Task

By default, tasks can be assigned to Staff or Admin users. To assign Tasks to clients, first update their user permissions.

Select an assignee by typing their name in the assignee field, then click their name in the dropdown.

Set Task due date

If adding a due date whoever is assigned the task will be notified in-app when the task is first assigned to them, as well as 24 hours before it's due.

Click the dropdown menu to open the date selector, then click a day to set a due date for the task.

Save the task by clicking Create in the bottom left, or if you'd like to set this task to repeat check out the section below.

Set Task to repeat

Tasks can be set to repeat on six different intervals: set a quarterly task to update report marketing visuals, or a monthly task reminding clients to view their updated dashboard. There are countless ways to use repeating tasks for your team.



Don't Repeat

Does not repeat


Repeats every day


Repeats on the selected day each week

Bi Weekly

Repeats on the selected day every second week


Repeats on the selected date each month


Repeats on the first of each quarter


Repeats on the select day and month every year

After setting the first due date for this task, click Don't Repeat to open the interval dropdown.

Next, click the desired interval in the dropdown menu.

All repeating tasks require Start Date and End Repeat, with different intervals having additional requirements depending frequency.

Start Date

Required for all intervals. The date the repetition schedule for this task will begin.

End Repeat

Required for all intervals. Defines how long the task will repeat:

Never: Task will reoccur indefinitely until updated or deleted

On Date: Task will reoccur until the date selected

Reoccurrences: Task will stop reoccurring after manually entered number of occurrences

To set these, click the field itself then click the preferred setting from the dropdown. Alternatively, click the field and type a number then select from the dropdown.

Once finished, click Create in the bottom left to save the task. It will now display in the Task table alongside all tasks currently in your account.

Edit a Task

To get started, click Tasks in the navigation bar from within a campaign to edit only that campaigns Tasks, or from the Home page to view all Tasks within your account.

On the Tasks page, click the ... to the far right in the Tasks table, then click Edit Task in the dropdown.

This will launch the edit task wizard where you can make the necessary changes. Change the name, category, add or remove due dates, set or stop a recurring schedule, and change who it's assigned to.

Tasks can be moved between campaigns by selecting a different campaign from the Campaign dropdown.

Once updated, click Save in the bottom left to lock in these changes.

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