Most integrations and features allow you to customize the data being displayed on your dashboard and report widgets. This article will walk you through how to access and change your metrics, filters, and integration settings.
These settings will allow you to select which metrics to display and apply filters to isolate specific data in your widgets.
Where can I access these settings?
These settings can be found in two locations: 1) on your integration dashboards, and 2) under the edit menu inside your widgets on the custom dashboard and in reports.
From an Integration's Dashboard
First, navigate to one of the integration dashboards in the left-side navigation menu. Once you're on the integration dashboard you can access your metric and filter settings by clicking on the settings button in the top right of the page.
This button will look like three vertical lines.
A slide-out menu will appear once you click on the settings button. The settings slider is usually divided into Metrics, Filters, and Settings (although these options can depend on the exact functions that an integration provides).
The Metrics tab allows you to pick and choose which metrics to display in the dashboard. You can easily locate the metrics you want to display by looking through the categories at the bottom of the menu or by searching for them through the search bar at the top.
Each category will show a number beside it to indicate how many metrics in that category are currently enabled. Clicking on the checkbox beside the metric will enable it on the dashboard.
Alternatively, hovering over the category will give you two more options: "select all" and "clear all". Clicking "select all" will enable all metrics under that category while "clear all" will do the opposite.
The Filters tab gives you the ability to isolate and display a specific set of data in the integration's dashboard. The filters that are available depend on the integration.
Some examples would be to filter for a specific ad campaign, ad network, goals, starred rankings, analytics segments, attribution settings, etc.
You can also quickly see how many filters are currently applied to the dashboard by the number indicated on the filter tab and beside the date range selector.
Lastly, the Settings tab will show if there are any advanced settings options available for that integration. This is also where you'll see which integration account is connected to this Client and the ability to change that account by clicking on the pencil icon.
Please note that any changes to the metrics and filters tab in an integration dashboard will only affect that dashboard.
From the Dashboard and Report Widgets
You can also access similar settings under your custom dashboard and report widgets. The widget settings are accessed by clicking on the three ellipsis "..." that appear in the top right corner of the widget and then by clicking 'Edit' in the popup menu.
Here's an example of the settings you will see for widgets such as metrics, filters, annotations, and thresholds. The settings that are available will vary depending on the integration and the type of widget being edited.
Select any of the available options, click "Done Editing" in the widgets β...β ellipsis drop-down menu to apply these changes.