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How to Filter data

An overview of Filters and how to utilize them in dashboards and reports.

John Sexon avatar
Written by John Sexon
Updated over a month ago

What are filters?

Filters give you the option to help you organize or display a specific set of data in your reports and dashboards. For example, in the Google Ads integration, you can display data that is only related to the Display Network, or show data from the Search Network.

Some integrations have advanced "contains" filters, which you can learn more about here.

Where do I find my filters?

The filters are found in an integration's "Settings" slide-out, and whenever you customize a widget.

In the example below, you will see the following filters for the Google Ads integration:

  • Filter by Ad Campaign,

  • ad Campaign Type,

  • by Network,

  • Filter data to show or hide PPC markup,

  • by ad Campaign Status,

  • by choosing to include Zero Conversions,

  • and lastly by showing or excluding Zero Impression stats

  • plus, some advanced filter options

How to apply filters in my dashboard and report widgets?

Applying a filter in a dashboard

Applying a filter is done by simply selecting an option from any of the available filter dropdowns, and the dashboard will immediately update with these new filter settings. You can also apply multiple filters at the same time.

After applying a filter, a message will appear on top saying "X Filter Applied".

Tip: if the dashboard data looks to be off, you can verify if removing unnecessary filters may help display correct data.

Applying a filter in a widget

Widget filters are accessed by going to the Edit Widget window, and this can be done by clicking on the ellipsis "..." that appears when you mouse over a widget and clicking Edit on the popup box.

Here's an example of the filters you will see in a Rank Tracker widget. Selecting any of the options below, and then clicking "Save Settings" will filter the keyword data in the widget.

Why do my filters reset?

Whenever an integration dashboard is opened or when you switch to another section, you will notice that any selected filters will reset as we will always report the metrics unfiltered. This way you will always have an unbiased view of your data.

Here's a tip if you want to save the filters from your integration dashboards: You can easily add what you see to your automated client reports via our "add to report" option.

This instantly creates a new section in a report, and this section will include the exact widgets and filters that you've set on the integration.

You simply need to click on the "export" button and then click on "+ Add To Report".

Why are filters different for each integration?

The filters are determined by the available metrics and API instructions for each platform. You will find an example below between Facebook Ads and Google Analytics.

Facebook Ads

Google Analytics

In the example above, Facebook Ads has filters regarding "Attribution" and other options, while Google Analytics only has "Goals" and "Segments"

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