Report engagement data provide you with valuable business intelligence on how each of your individual customers is engaging with your automated reports.
Engagement data for each automated report includes:
Opened (Whether the recipient has opened the report email)
Clicked (Whether the recipient has clicked the report link to actually view the report)
Delivery Status (Sent or Error)
This data can be exceptionally useful in segmenting customers by engagement level and troubleshooting delivery issues.
To access this data, click the name of any report. This will open up the report editor.
From within the report editor, click Activity at the top of the screen.
This will open the Email tab by default, where you will see a list of sent emails, when they were sent, and information on who it was sent to, who opened, etc.
Open rate is the percentage of recipients who have opened the report email, and click rate is the percentage of recipients who have clicked the report link included in the email.
You can click on the ellipsis "..." on the right-hand side to see more detailed data for each recipient.
After clicking "View Recipients", a slide-out panel will appear. This panel shows each recipient's email address, the email delivery status, and whether the recipient has opened the report email and clicked to view the report.
You can also click on the "Downloads" and "Links" tab to see the report's download and share history respectively. You can click on the ellipsis "..." as shown below to see actions you can do for each report log.