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What integrations are available?
What integrations are available?

Find out which integrations we support and the permissions or credentials you'll need to get them connect for your clients.

Matthew Davis avatar
Written by Matthew Davis
Updated over a week ago

Check out the tables below to quickly learn what integrations are available and the permissions required to connect each integration successfully.

Click the integration name in the left column to open a help doc and learn how to connect each integration!

Analytics integrations


Permissions or credentials required

Access to property, view ID, and "Analyst," "Editor," or "Administrator" permissions to access the data, as well as no data restrictions.

WordPress URL, API Key, and API Secret.

Must be logged into the account you want to connect, and the account must have V2 API access


Admin permission for the Keap account

View access to the sites they'd like data from, and valid auth token from Matomo

Paid subscription with API access and read permissions for Accounts, Leads, Opportunities, and Campaigns

Tenant ID, Client ID, Secret Key

Account ID, Secret Key

Permission to view accounts, sub-accounts, pages, and leads

Call Tracking integrations


Permissions or credentials required

API Username, API Key, Secret


CallSource username and password

API Access Key and Secret Key


Access Key, Secret Access Key

Username, Password

Account SID / API Key SID, Auth Token / API Key Secret

API Token, API Secret

Account email and password

Database integrations

Database integrations are an optional add-on available for purchase on all plans.

This add-on allows you to integrate custom data sets directly into your agency's dashboards and client reports. Database connector integrations cannot be connected without the add-on purchased.


Permissions or credentials required

Host, Port, User, Password and Database

BigQuery Job User permissions for at least one project, BigQuery Data Viewer on the data you wish to query

Host, Port, User, Password, and Database: The user entered must have read permissions for the entered database

eCommerce integrations


Permissions or credentials required

Read-only access to Customers, Orders, Information & Settings, Store Hash, Access Token

Connecting user needs access to Orders + Customers + Products options in the Shopify store

Stripe API Key

Have API with read access permissions; WordPress 4.4+ minimum version, WooCommerce 3.5+ minimum version

Email integrations


Permissions or credentials required

Have full admin permissions and API Key, ActiveCampaign URL

API Key, and all IPs in Brevo authorized

Lite subscription level, at a minimum

Account Owner or Account Manager permissions

API Key and API Secret

Subscribed to a paid Drip plan

Private Klaviyo API key, with read permissions

MailChimp username and password

Local integrations


Permissions or credentials required

Admin permission level, BirdEye API key, and Business ID for the account you wish to connect

BrightLocal Multi-business, SEO Pro, or Enterprise account plan and at least one report at the location

Client-level Client ID and API Key

Owner or Manager for required pages

Grade.Us Agency or Partner plan, and Admin role


Business account at minimum

Admin role, API User, and API Key

Admin role, Yelp Business ID

Username and password and at least one review in the account

Paid Ad integrations


Permissions or credentials required

AdForm External API must be enabled, AdForm username and password

Subscribed to AdRoll Growth Plan, AdRoll username and password

Editor Access with View and Edit permissions for Campaign Manager, Posts, Stores Builder, Advertising Reports

Basis Platform Username and Client ID

Basis Standalone DSP Client ID, Client Secret, and Advertiser ID

Email and Choozle Private Key

"Employee" level page access

Read permissions

Google Ad Manager account required

Standard DV360 role

Access to at least one LinkedIn Ads campaign

Microsoft Work Account, Azure Active Directory permissions

Analyst Role User key

Username and password

Username and password


Ad account access for Read Campaigns, Reporting, Read Custom Audiences, Ad Account Information

Professional account; Email and password

Partner API username and password

SEO integrations


Permissions or credentials required

Paid Ahrefs plan with API access and API credits

None required

API Access Key from Bing

None required

None required

Owner or full permissions, Google email, and password

None required

Paid Moz API plan, Account Access ID and Secret Key

None required; add-on must be purchased

Paid Business plan, Perform Backlinks Analytics requests enabled

Any paid plan, Basic project information, and Position tracking enabled

None required; add-on must be purchased*

*Site Auditor is a legacy integration only available to accounts created before November 2023.

Social integrations


Permissions or credentials required

Page Admin or full page access

Page Admin, Instagram Professional account linked to a Facebook page

Professional page, Role type Super Admin


Business account with analytics enabled

Admin user, must use Admin login credentials

Channel Owner permissions or Brand account access

Other integrations


Permissions or credentials required

Google login credentials

AgencyAnalytics login credentials


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