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White label FAQ

Find answers to frequently asked white label and branding questions here!

Tatum Savage avatar
Written by Tatum Savage
Updated over a week ago

Find quick answers to your white label and branding questions.

Are there any size limitations on logo files?

There aren't hard size restrictions on logo files; however, many factors can affect the quality and appearance of your logos. We recommend you review these logo best practices to ensure all logos in your account look great.

Why isn't my report logo displaying properly?

It could be that the size, shape, or quality of the logo file is causing issues when our system converts it to an SVG. Check out these logo best practices to confirm that the best logo file has been used.

If the report logo was updated less than 15 minutes ago, it's likely still propagating and will appear correctly soon. If you've followed the best practices and waited more than 15 minutes but the issue still persists, please reach out to our Support team with a copy of the logo file.

How do I co-brand with the client's logo and my agency logo?

Using a high-quality image editor, you can merge your logo and the client's logo into an aesthetically pleasing design that includes both. This requires some design skills to pull off, so if you don't have those yourself we recommend handing this off to a designer.

Once you've created a single file for the interface logo (PNG/GIF/JPG format) and for the report logo (SVG is best), go ahead and upload those logos to the white label section for the desired campaign. Then, select a color scheme that will fit the combined branding.

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