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Filter Tasks on the Tasks Page
Filter Tasks on the Tasks Page

The task table can be filtered by assignee and category, as well as by incomplete or complete status.

Tatum Savage avatar
Written by Tatum Savage
Updated over a week ago

If you have a lot of tasks it can be helpful to filter these based on the work you're doing, or whose progress you're reviewing. Tasks within a campaign and at the account level can be filtered in almost the same ways; learn more about the account level-only filters here.

How to filter Tasks on the tasks table

From within a campaign, click Tasks at the top of the page. The tasks page will only be available to those who have Tasks turned on for them in their permissions.

On the Tasks page, click the Settings button in the upper right to reveal the settings and filter slide-out.

From the settings slide-out, Tasks can be filtered by assignee, category, and status. Multiple filters can be applied at once; you can see how many are applied at the top of the page. Only tasks that match all applied filters with display in the task table.

Filter Tasks by assignee

To filter by assignee, click the search field and either type the users name or select from the dropdown. You can filter by multiple assignees at once by checking off more than one box.

Filter Tasks by Category

To filter by category, click the category dropdown then select one or more existing categories from the list, or search by category name. Available categories are account wide; if you create the category Report Review in one campaign it will be available in all others and at the account level.

Filter Tasks by Status

By default the Tasks table will show incomplete tasks. To view completed tasks instead, click the Status menu then select Completed tasks from the dropdown, and remove the check beside Incomplete tasks.

Completed tasks will appear with the checkbox prefilled, and the task name crossed out.

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