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Manage integrations

Click "Integrations" in the left side menu to easily manage all of your integrations in one place.

Josh Cunneyworth avatar
Written by Josh Cunneyworth
Updated over a month ago

Connect, disconnect, and manage integrations

Our Integrations screen allows users to easily view, connect, disconnect, or edit any of their client integrations in one place.

To access all integrations, click "Integrations" in a Client's left navigation menu.

You'll land on the Client integrations page, where you can see a variety of different categories to help you quickly and easily find what you're looking for.

To manage your integrations, click My Integrations under the Featured section of the menu. This will take you to the My Integrations page, which shows all the integrations you've connected for this Client.

A green checkmark indicates an integration is correctly connected, while a red broken chain indicates there is an issue with an integration.

You can search for new integrations to connect by searching the Categories in the left navigation menu.

You can also use the search bar at the top right to quickly find a specific integration.

To change or disconnect a connected integration, simply click on the integration and in the next window, select "Disconnect Integration"

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