Bing Webmaster Tools
With the integration of AgencyAnalytics Bing Webmaster Tools, you can quickly build a dashboard or automated report to understand your client's website's performance on Bing Search, including search queries, impressions, clicks, and rankings.
Click here to view all available Bing Webmaster Tools metrics and learn what's possible with the integration!
🔌 Connect Bing Webmaster Tools
To avoid a failed connection or error when integrating Bing Webmaster Tools to a Client, the person connecting must have:
An API key must be generated in their Bing Webmaster Tools dashboard.
If the above requirements are met, follow these steps to connect:
Open the Client where you'd like to connect to Bing Webmaster Tools.
Click Integrations (plug icon) on the left side menu.
Click Connect Integration in the upper right corner.
Search for Bing Webmaster Tools in the search bar at the top, then click the Bing Webmaster Tools card.
Click the gray + sign at the bottom to open the authorization page.
Enter the API key generated from Bing Webmaster Tools, then click Save at the bottom left to add this account to your list of available connections.
Lastly, select the customer account to which you would like to connect. Click the radio button next to the appropriate account, then click Connect in the bottom left.
This will finalize your connection to Bing Webmaster Tools. You can now start adding widgets to your dashboards and reports!
❓ Bing Webmaster Tools FAQ
How do can I generate a Bing API key?
To generate an API key, here is Bing's guide to help!
💬 Need additional help?
If you have any questions, please get in touch with our friendly support team by following these instructions! We're available 24/5 to help 😄