Trend Forecasting
Trend Forecasting predicts and displays future performance trends based on historical data. Identify potential issues or opportunities and make data-driven decisions to drive growth.
Staff and Admin users can toggle Forecasting on or off with line and area chart widgets. Trend Forecasting is included on certain plans.
Find more information on Anomaly Detection here, and Benchmarks, here.
Enable Trend Forecasting on a widget
Trend Forecasting can be quickly toggled on or off for any compatible widget.
Hover over the line or area chart widget in question, then click the Insights icon in the upper right. If the insights icon does not appear in the upper right of the widget, then Forecasting is not supported for this widget type.
Forecasting can also be enabled when first adding a widget; simply drag and drop the chart widget to a dashboard or report, then toggle on Forecasting under the Display tab.
How to read a Forecast
Once Forecasting is toggled on for a widget, the visual display will update to reveal future predictions based on your values before the forecasted period.
Your values before the forecast
The forecasted value for the period
The current value before the forecast
Optimistic forecast range - displays the best-case scenario
Pessimistic forecast range - displays the worst-case scenario
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