Deleted reports can be restored within 90 days of deletion by account Admins, or any user with "Report & Template" permissions enabled.
Staff users can only see removed reports from Clients they have access to.
To get started head to the Reports page within the Client you wish to a restore a report in.
From the Reports page click the metrics and filters button in the upper right corner to open a slide-out. At the top of this menu, click Filters.
Next, click the Status dropdown and select Removed from the menu. This will switch the display on the Reports page to only show deleted Reports.
Once switched, a red icon will display to the left of the report name. When hovered over this will verify the report has been removed and must be restored to use.
To restore one or multiple reports, simply check the boxes to the left of the report(s) then click Restore in the upper left of the Reports table.
In the confirmation window, click Restore to confirm that the restoration.
Now that the reports are restored, simply switch the Filter in the slide-out back to Active to ensure the Reports page is displaying the active reports, including those you just restored, going forward!