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Connect Spotify Ads

Navigate to the integrations page in the left sidebar to start setting up your Spotify Ads integration

Tatum Savage avatar
Written by Tatum Savage
Updated over a week ago

How to connect Spotify Ads

First, navigate to the campaign where you'd like Spotify Ads to be integrated, then click "Integrations" in the menu on the left side of the screen.

Next, either search Spotify Ads in the upper right search box, or click the Ads category, then click Spotify Ads.

If this is your first time connecting Spotify, select 'Connect New Account' at the bottom, then sign into the popover with your Spotify Ads credentials.

After doing so, or if you've previously connected Spotify Ads, click your name to expand the selection of accounts, then click the circle to the left of the account you're connecting.

Finally, click connect in the bottom left. This will complete the integration setup. Now you're free start using Spotify Ads widgets on your dashboards and reports!

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