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Bulk create multiple campaigns via CSV
Bulk create multiple campaigns via CSV

Upload a CSV with the details for up to 100 campaigns to quickly and easily add campaigns to your account.

Tatum Savage avatar
Written by Tatum Savage
Updated this week

Create multiple Campaigns via CSV

To create campaigns in bulk using a CSV file, we first need to populate a spreadsheet with campaigns and campaign data. A sample CSV file is available for download at the bottom of this page.

Each new campaign should have its own line, with each column containing the next piece of data. Up to 100 campaigns can be created at a time via CSV.

The Campaign name, URL, and time zone are case-sensitive and mandatory for campaign creation. The last cell is for sorting into a folder and is not required for campaign creation.

Once the spreadsheet is finished, export it as a CSV file. Then, head to AgencyAnaltyics and sign in. On the Home page, click Create Campaign in the upper right.

Before proceeding, check your available campaign usage, shown at the top of the creation wizard.Β If the CSV contains more campaigns than your account has available, you will be charged for the campaigns that exceed your limit.

Next, follow the steps in the Creation wizard:

  1. Click Add Campaigns in bulk at the top of the wizard.

  2. Drag and drop the CSV, or click choose file to manually locate the CSV, then click Continue.

  3. On the next page, review the campaigns to ensure the data is correct, then click Continue.

  4. Click Finalize below the confirmation message to complete the process and create your campaigns.

After a short loading period, you'll be redirected to the Home page, where the new Campaigns will be visible and ready for customization!

Troubleshoot CSV Errors

If the CSV file contains errors, the creation wizard will highlight them and not upload the campaigns. In our example, "Vancouver" is not a valid time zone.

This can be fixed simply by updating that cell of our original spreadsheet to a recognized timezone, in this case, America/Vancouver, and then uploading the file again.

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