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Find the CID number for a Google Business Profile
Find the CID number for a Google Business Profile

The Google Business Profile (GBP) CID number is typically displayed in either the URL or the GBP page source-code

Matthew Davis avatar
Written by Matthew Davis
Updated over 3 months ago

How to find the CID number for a GBP (3 methods)

1. How to find a CID number using Google Maps

  1. Locate the Google Business Profile in the native Google Maps interface and click the listing to select it.

  2. Replace http:// with view-source: in the address bar, and hit "enter".

  3. Using your keyboard, press CTRL+F and search the source code for the phrase "ludocid".

  4. The CID will be the string of numbers located after “ludocid\\u003d” and before #lrd.


In this string: ON+L3Y+4V8\u0026ludocid\\u003d18208190227674681406#lrd\u003d0x882ace1b6df9d1db:0xfcb07c8a7b49d03e

The CID would be 18208190227674681406

2. How to find a CID number using Google Maps for an SAB listing

The method above may not work for "Service Area Business" listing in Google Maps.

For those GBP types, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the Google Business Profile listing in the native Google Maps interface and click the listing to select it.

  2. In the address bar, you'll see a long URL. Within that URL, look for the long set of characters that start with 0x (there are 2 of them ,and the second ends before the exclamation point).

...then the two strings that start with 0x are 0x882ad2157062b6c3 and 0xe060d065957c4103

Copy the second string to your clipboard, but EXCLUDE the 0x. So in this example, you would copy "e060d065957c4103".

  1. Paste that string into a Hexadecimal converter (we recommend this one). The resulting string, converted from Hexadecimal, is the CID number.

3. CID Converter

If you're unable to locate your CID using the above methods, you can try using a CID converter.

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