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Add keywords for SERP tracking
Add keywords for SERP tracking

Click "Add Keywords", choose your rank tracking location, and you're off to the races.

Matthew Davis avatar
Written by Matthew Davis
Updated over a month ago

How to Add Keywords

To start, click "Add Keywords". The location of this button will vary depending on whether you're working with a brand-new Client or an existing one.

In a brand new Client, you'll find the "Add Keywords" button in the center of the Rank Tracker dashboard.

In an existing Client, you'll find the button toward the upper right hand side of your Rank Tracker dashboard.

The "Add Keywords" wizard will then open. In Step 1, type or paste in the list of keywords that you'd like to add, then click "Continue".

In Step 2, choose the location(s) for which you'd like to track and emulate SERP rankings.

If you've previously added keyword/location pairings to this Client, your previously used locations will be pre-populated. (Read more about location settings here)

Click "Continue" when you're finished choosing locations.

Note that each keyword/location pairing counts separately toward your account keyword limit.

In Step 3, choose a language for your SERPs if applicable (Read more about language settings here), and click "Continue".

Finally, in Step 4, you can optionally add tags to these keywords.

Once you click "Add Keywords", your keywords will be added instantly to your rankings table. You'll see a "clock" icon for each new keyword while the initial ranking is being fetched.

The amount of time that it takes to complete this initial rank-fetch can vary based on the current site load, and on the number of keywords being added. Please allow up to 2 hours for the initial rank fetch if adding numerous keywords or adding keywords during peak hours.

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