Find quick answers to your questions about AgencyAnalytics.
Do you offer a free trial?
Yes! We offer a completely free 14 day trial, no credit card required. Interested in trying AgencyAnalytics? Sign up here!
Are there limitations on the trial account?
The 14-day free trial matches the features of our most robust subscription, allowing you to test out almost all of the features we offer! There are two significant limitations while on trial: it's not possible to set up a custom email, or to import/export data for your clients.
How long is my data stored after my trial or subscription expires?
We retain data for trial and paid accounts for a minimum of 90 days, but possibly longer to allow customers to pick right up where they left off if they decide to come back. For more specifics on our data retention policy, check out our privacy policy and terms of use.
If you'd like to request permanent deletion of your account and data, contact our support team for help!
What languages do you support?
Our customers are truly global in origin, and to meet their needs, we support many of the world's most widely spoken languages. Don't see yours? Let us know, and we'll see if we can add support for it.
English | Danish | Dutch |
French | German | Spanish |
Swedish |
What browsers do you support?
AgencyAnalytics can be used with most mainstream browsers, including Google Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. We also have a desktop app if that's more your style!
Do you have a referral or rewards program?
We don't have a referral or rewards program at this time. If this is something you'd like to see, we'd love to hear about it. Please share your feedback here!
Do I need my customer passwords to connect data sources?
Each integration is different, but most support adding additional users to your accounts rather than using their email and password. Different permissions and account types are required for each integration. Please check the relevant integration connection article for specifics.
Can I display data from integrations you don't currently support?
With our Google Sheets integration you can display any date you enter in a sheet seamlessly on dashboards or reports. You can also use customizable widgets, like textboxes, custom stat widgets, or image widgets to display other types of custom content.
Make sure to add a feature request or vote for the integration you'd like to see, as well!
Can I expect 100% uptime?
We typically have better than 99.9% uptime, so while we can't promise 100% uptime, we're working hard to stay as close to that as possible! For more information on issues that could cause data and access issues, click here.